
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

When toddlers turn

Every week I get an email from Babycenter giving me updates on what my child should be doing developmentally at any particular stage of his life. Usually I find their information helpful. It makes me feel less like a degenerate and more like a good mom.

This 15-month week two update, however, was laughable at best.

It was about my favorite toddler topic- tantrums. This email had a nice little "we are trying to make you feel better" snip-it outlining the normalcy of 15 month old tantrums. It makes sense to me; they don't know how to communicate with you and DESPERATELY want your attention, all. the. time. Been there, done that! As I've said many times, I am an expert terrorist negotiator. 
On the left you will see a very happy child coveting his best friend, rock. On the right is the result of taking rock friend away (after he tried to eat it). This is how quickly a toddler can melt down.

These little terrorists don't care if you have dishes to do, they'd prefer caked on dinner from last night on their plates, it's sooooo much better than that organic food you prepared.  

They don't care if you have laundry to fold, it is much more fun to take the clean clothes out of the hamper and throw them around the house.

 Side note;

  • Once upon a time, in the honeymoon stages of mothering I was convinced I had the most well behaved child in the entire world, perhaps even the entirety of the universe. He was never colicky, always smiling, laughing and had zero stranger danger. 
I'm a first time mom and didn't know any better

Back to the laughable part. In this post there was a poll asking you what negative behavior your child shows when he/she wants your attention.

 I clearly voted all of the above. When my son wants my attention he will do anything in his power to get it; by means of whining, by means of shouting, by means of tugging, by means of force, by means of dropping to the floor like a limp noodle. You get the picture.

The COMMENTS in this section were mind blowing. So many "holier than thou" parents saying,

"My daughter Sage taps me on the shoulder, gently asking for my attention"

"Bob, my DS (darling son), doesn't do any of these things! He is such a sweet boy. He just looks over at me with these eyes and we are so in tune with one another, I know exactly what he needs or wants"

Liars. All liars.

I have a 15 month old who is happy most of the time, as long as he is getting his way. He can't help it that he gets frustrated at Trader Joes (where I believe we are blacklisted until he turns 4) when he can't push a strangers cart. He can't communicate to me that he would prefer to eat the cardboard box of Cherrios over scrambled eggs. 

He certainly loves me, but doesn't respect the banana stand at the grocery store. 

Tantrums are normal. So if you are one of those people out and about, doing your thing, and see a mom (or dad) with a little monster throwing himself/herself on the ground screaming, please don't give them nasty looks. I can say with certainty that the parent of the child is mortified but trying to save face. I've been there. I know.

Save your judgement for church.

A rare tender moment between small human and beast



  1. LOL!! I thought the same thing about Azariah. He is the best baby, he hardly ever cries, he is so happy all the time. Now, there are days when I just want to leave him at my parents house for awhile.

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one who will admit the bad behavior! Nolan is actually having one now because he can't walk in my tennis shoes :-X

    I keep telling myself, "it's just a phase, it's just a phase"

    Thanks for reading!
