
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Joe the plumber

Remember that guy? Vomited into fame in 2008 thanks to the Obama/McCain presidential campaign. Turns out he is a total outspoken conservative racist and recently got in trouble for posting racist comments on his blog. Good job guys!

I hate politics.

They could learn a thing or two from my toddler. 

While you may scream, kick, thrash your body around protesting something you don't like, you can always get over it with a hug, a kiss, and come to agreement over a cookie and some almond milk.

Picture credit ABC

 As much I would like to elaborate my thoughts regarding the political tantrum going on in Washington DC, I won't. All I will say is you fools should have voted in Ron Paul when you had the chance 

"She's kidding... right?"  No, no I am not.

This is a blog post about food and making something that I'm sure Joe the Plumber hates; healthy, well rounded, nutritious, meat free, sustainably harvested food. I dub thee THE SLOPPY TOM, sloppy Joe's meat-free, healthy and liberal minded cousin. 

What you need

Tempeh- crumbled
BBQ Sauce
mixed lettuce (the more colorful, the better)
red bell pepper- chopped
yellow onion- chopped
a spritz of ketchup 
2 garlic cloves- chopped
coconut or olive oil-- 2 tbsp

What you need to do

Crumble tempeh and marinate in the BBQ sauce -- pick a good bbq sauce to really soak up the flavor into the tempeh. Let it marinate for 20 minutes or longer

Heat up a pan and melt oil 

Add onion, garlic and let the flavor soak out for a few minutes

Add pepper and cook for another 2 minutes while stirring

Add tempeh and cover for 5-10 minutes

Add a spritz of ketchup on the final product, slap between two or one piece of bread, add lettuce, avocado and any other topping you want.



1 comment:

  1. cant wait to try this.. also LOVE your political rants.. vote Ron Paul!!
